Browse through the articles in chronological order, or start with the latest. The index below is alphabetized by title. There is also a Subject Index. Map of yard and garden descriptions Garden and yard photo galleries
Map of yard and garden descriptions Garden and yard photo galleries
caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar, black swallowtail caterpillar, black swallowtail caterpillar, Gulf fritillary caterpillar, monarch caterpillar, pipevine swallowtail caterpillar, puss caterpillar, queen caterpillar, sphinx caterpillar, woolly bear Gulf fritillary hairstreak, great purple hairstreak, red-banded heliconid hornworm hornworm leopard moth monarch queen butterfly red admiral snout butterfly sphinx moth swallowtail, black swallowtail, giant swallowtail, giant swallowtail, tiger Zebra butterfly OTHER INSECTS ant mimic antlion aphid beetle larvae blue grub borer longhorn beetle larva bug, assassin bug, assassin bug, broad-headed bug, coreid bug, green stink bug, milkweed bug, wheel bug, yucca plant bug, yucca plant bumblebee caterpillar hunter cicada cottonwood leaf beetle larva damselfly desert firetail dragonfly fiery searcher fly, crane fly, deer fly, long-legged fly, robber fly, robber fly, syrphid green June beetle grubs honeybee lacewing ladybug leafhopper mantisfly mealy bug mosquito owlfly ox beetle grub praying mantis praying mantis praying mantis praying mantis round-headed borer sawfly larvae scale insects spittlebug three-cornered alfalfa hopper larva tortoise beetle larva walking stick wasp, cuckoo wasp, gall wasp, paper wasp, red wasp, solitary water strider weevil, acorn weevil, agave weevil, agave weevil, oak leaf roll wireworm
ant mimic antlion aphid beetle larvae blue grub borer longhorn beetle larva bug, assassin bug, assassin bug, broad-headed bug, coreid bug, green stink bug, milkweed bug, wheel bug, yucca plant bug, yucca plant bumblebee caterpillar hunter cicada cottonwood leaf beetle larva damselfly desert firetail dragonfly fiery searcher fly, crane fly, deer fly, long-legged fly, robber fly, robber fly, syrphid green June beetle grubs honeybee lacewing ladybug leafhopper mantisfly mealy bug mosquito owlfly ox beetle grub praying mantis praying mantis praying mantis praying mantis round-headed borer sawfly larvae scale insects spittlebug three-cornered alfalfa hopper larva tortoise beetle larva walking stick wasp, cuckoo wasp, gall wasp, paper wasp, red wasp, solitary water strider weevil, acorn weevil, agave weevil, agave weevil, oak leaf roll wireworm
amaranthus asparagus fern azalea bearded iris begonia, hardy begonia, strawberry bird-of-paradise shrub bog sage butter-and-eggs castor bean columbine cosmos daffodil dicliptera dusty miller Easter lily English daisy English daisy fairy water lily fennel fennel fennel foldwing four o'clock grape hyacinth grape hyacinth grass harlequin flower henbit hoja santa hyacinth indigo spires justicia lamb's-ear lantana lemon verbena liriope little jewel majestic sage Mexican bush sage Mexican petunia Mexican sage Mexican sunflower Mexican sunflower mint, mountain mint, woolly apple mondo grass orange plume oxalis pavonia Persian shield plumbago primrose jasmine purple heart purple heart purple moon flower rootbeer plant rose rosemary ruellia shrimp plant spearleaf swampmallow speedwell split-leaf philodendron straggler daisy sunflower tulip verbena wandering Jew wandering Jew water hyacinth zinnia SUCCULENTS agave, American agave, mescal aloe cactus, bishop's cap cactus, button cactus flowers cactus, lace cactus, prickly pear carrion flower cholla dwarf chin kalanchoe lechuguilla orange bulbine pork and beans sedum Texas pride MISC. birds' nest fungus bolete coontie cycad fern, holly fern, water fern, wood horsetail pond sago palm
agave, American agave, mescal aloe cactus, bishop's cap cactus, button cactus flowers cactus, lace cactus, prickly pear carrion flower cholla dwarf chin kalanchoe lechuguilla orange bulbine pork and beans sedum Texas pride MISC. birds' nest fungus bolete coontie cycad fern, holly fern, water fern, wood horsetail pond sago palm
birds' nest fungus bolete coontie cycad fern, holly fern, water fern, wood horsetail pond sago palm
antelope-horns ball moss beebalm bird pepper black-footed daisy boneset branched foldwing bristly mallow butterflyweed butterflyweed cenizo copper canyon daisy coralberry Dakota vervain dandelion dayflower death camas delta arrowhead dicliptera Engelmann daisy Engelmann's salvia false mint flame acanthus four-nerve daisy foxglove frog-fruit frostweed goldenrod grass grass, Johnson ironweed jimsonweed larkspur liatris Maximilian sunflower Mexican Hat milkweed milkweed nandina pavonia pequin pigeonberry plateau golden-eye purple cone flower purple mist flower purple prairie clover rain-lily rock rose sage, big red sage, cedar sage, cherry sage, giant blue sage, lyre-leaf sage, tropical salvia salvia salvia showy primrose Simpson rosinweed skeleton plant spiderwort swanflower ten-petal anemone Texas silverleaf Texas vervain Turk's cap velvetleaf mallow violet ruellia water pennywort wax mallow white gaura white water lily wild bergamot wild garlic wild mudwort wild onion wild onion wine-cup yarrow yellow bells yellow flag zexmenia zizotes milkweed NATIVE ANNUALS baby blue-eyes basketflower beggar's tick black-eyed Susan bluebonnet blue-curls clammyweed common sunflower false dayflower gaillardia horsemint mullien painted daisy partridge pea plains coreopsis purslane snow-on-the-prairie Texas dandelion tooth-leaf poinsettia wild poinsettia
baby blue-eyes basketflower beggar's tick black-eyed Susan bluebonnet blue-curls clammyweed common sunflower false dayflower gaillardia horsemint mullien painted daisy partridge pea plains coreopsis purslane snow-on-the-prairie Texas dandelion tooth-leaf poinsettia wild poinsettia
agarita Anacacho orchid tree arborvitae ash juniper bald cypress beautyberry chinaberry Chinese parasol tree Chinese tallow tree coral tree crape myrtle desert willow false indigo flowery senna goldenball lead-tree loquat Mexican buckeye mimosa mountain cedar poverty weed pyracantha redbud retama rose of Sharon Texas mountain laurel vitex yellow senna VINES air potato balsam gourd bindweed cat brier coral vine cypress vine Dutchman's pipe English ivy honeysuckle, coral honeysuckle, Japanese hyacinth bean ivy treebine kidney grass morning glory, perennial mustang grape passionflower passionflower peppervine pipevine scarlet clematis scarlet pea sensitive brier snailseed vine snapdragon vine trumpet creeper vetch Virginia creeper yellow passionflower OTHER ANIMALS anole anole blue jay flatworm fledgling fox squirrel killdeer land snail Mediterranean gecko mockingbird opossum pillbug scud slug snake, black-necked garter snake, blotched water snake, coral snake, diamondback water snake, hognose snake, Texas blind snake, water moccasin sowbug spider, argiope spider, argiope spider, argiope spider, crab spider, crab spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, jumping spider, long-jawed orb weaver spider, orb weaver spider, spiny-backed spider web spider web spider, wolf toad white-winged dove
air potato balsam gourd bindweed cat brier coral vine cypress vine Dutchman's pipe English ivy honeysuckle, coral honeysuckle, Japanese hyacinth bean ivy treebine kidney grass morning glory, perennial mustang grape passionflower passionflower peppervine pipevine scarlet clematis scarlet pea sensitive brier snailseed vine snapdragon vine trumpet creeper vetch Virginia creeper yellow passionflower OTHER ANIMALS anole anole blue jay flatworm fledgling fox squirrel killdeer land snail Mediterranean gecko mockingbird opossum pillbug scud slug snake, black-necked garter snake, blotched water snake, coral snake, diamondback water snake, hognose snake, Texas blind snake, water moccasin sowbug spider, argiope spider, argiope spider, argiope spider, crab spider, crab spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, jumping spider, long-jawed orb weaver spider, orb weaver spider, spiny-backed spider web spider web spider, wolf toad white-winged dove
anole anole blue jay flatworm fledgling fox squirrel killdeer land snail Mediterranean gecko mockingbird opossum pillbug scud slug snake, black-necked garter snake, blotched water snake, coral snake, diamondback water snake, hognose snake, Texas blind snake, water moccasin sowbug spider, argiope spider, argiope spider, argiope spider, crab spider, crab spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, green lynx spider, jumping spider, long-jawed orb weaver spider, orb weaver spider, spiny-backed spider web spider web spider, wolf toad white-winged dove