Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:
Odocoileus virginianus (white-tailed deer)
photo by George Ward
Colias eurytheme (orange sulphur, female)
photo by Linda Crabtree
Strymon istapa (mallow scrub-hairstreak)
photo by Val Bugh
Libytheana carinenta (American snout)
photo by George Ward
Papilio cresphontes (giant swallowtail larva)
photo by Val Bugh
Argia immunda (Kiowa dancer, female)
photo by Michael Knox
Telebasis salva (desert firetail, males: mature & teneral)
photo by David Cook & Val Bugh
Curculio sp. (nut weevil)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Argiope trifasciata (banded garden spider)
photo by Val Bugh
Unknown sp. & Chrysoperla rufilabris
(orbweaver hatchlings & green lacewing larva)
photo by Val Bugh
Sceliphron caementarium (yellow-and-black mud dauber)
photo by Lexi Anderson
Polistes rubiginosus (red wasp, male)
photo by Michael Knox
Polistes dorsalis (paper wasp, male)
photo by George Ward
Polistes exclamans (paper wasp, female)
photo by David Cook
Hyalymenus tarsatus (Texas bowlegged bug nymph)
photo by Val Bugh
Mecidea major (grass stink bug)
photo by Val Bugh
Regulus satrapa (golden-crowned kinglet)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Melospiza lincolnii (Lincoln's sparrow)
photo by Lexi Anderson
Spizella pusilla (field sparrow)
photo by Annelia Williams
Turdus migratorius (American robin)
photo by Beth Kirkhart