  ABC > Home > THE FAUNA PROJECT > Survey September 5, 2013

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Fauna Project

Seven volunteers participated in this week's survey. It was hot, sunny and, due to rain the previous night, very humid. While most grasshoppers are cryptically colored to escape notice by predators, the aposematic form of the Spotted Bird Grasshopper, common here in central Texas, advertises its distastefulness with bright yellow and black markings.

Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Schistocerca lineata (spotted bird grasshopper, aposematic form)
photo by Val Bugh

Schistocerca sp. (bird grasshopper, nymph)
photo by Val Bugh

Melanoplus ponderosus (ponderous grasshopper nymph eating palafoxia)
photo by Val Bugh

Argiope aurantia (yellow and black garden spider eating grasshopper)
photo by Linda Chayra

Stagmomantis carolina (Carolina mantis)
photo by Val Bugh

Palpada vinetorum (flower fly)
photo by Val Bugh

Polacantha sp. (robber fly eating ant alate)
photo by Val Bugh

Anax junius (common green darners in tandem)
photo by Linda Chayra

Emesaya brevipennis (thread-legged bug)
photo by Val Bugh

Wallengrenia otho (southern broken-dash)
photo by Val Bugh

Acrolophus sp. (tubeworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Battaristis sp. (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Uresiphita reversalis (genista caterpillar)
photo by Val Bugh

Glaphyria fulminalis (black-patched glaphyria)
photo by Val Bugh

Parapediasia sp. (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Peoria opacella (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Actias luna (luna moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Crotalus atrox (western diamondback rattlesnake)
photo by Val Bugh

Opheodrys aestivus (rough green snake)
photo by Val Bugh

Bufo valliceps valliceps (gulf coast toad tadpoles)
photo by Val Bugh

  • Birds:
    Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii)
    Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
    Hummingbird (Archilochus sp.)
    Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
    Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
    Summer Tanager (Piranga rubra)
    Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)
    Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia)

  • Mammals:
    Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus)

  • Reptiles & Amphibians:
    Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)
    Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
    Gulf Coast Toad (Bufo valliceps valliceps), tadpoles

  • Misc.:
    Millipede (Unknown sp.)
    Pillbug (Armadillidium vulgare)
    Striped Bark Scorpion (Centruroides vittatus)
    Garden Snail (Otala lactea)
    Globular Drop (Helicina orbiculata)
    Decollate Snail (Rumina decollata)

  • Insects & Spiders:
    orderfamilygenus/speciescommon name

    lepidoptera  nymphalidae  Agraulis vanillae  Gulf Fritillary
      papilionidae  Battus philenor  Pipevine Swallowtail
        Papilio polyxenes  Black Swallowtail
      pieridae  Phoebis sennae  Cloudless Sulphur
      lycaenidae  Strymon melinus  Gray Hairstreak
        Atlides halesus  Great Purple Hairstreak
        Hemiargus ceraunus  Ceraunus Blue
        Hemiargus isola  Reakirt's Blue
      hesperiidae  Hylephila phyleus  Fiery Skipper
        Atalopedes campestris  Sachem
        Lerodea eufala  Eufala Skipper
        Wallengrenia otho  Southern Broken-dash
        Amblyscirtes celia  Celia's Roadside-skipper
        Thorybes pylades  Northern Cloudywing
        Chioides albofasciatus  White-striped Longtail
        Pyrgus communis/albescens  Common/White Checkered-skipper
      noctuidae  Ponometia fasciatella  Moth
        Tarache quadriplaga  Bird-dropping Moth
        Tripudia quadrifera  Moth
      arctiidae  Hypoprepia miniata  Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth
      notodontidae  Schizura errucata  Prominent
      saturniidae  Actias luna  Luna Moth
      sphingidae  Hyles lineata  White-lined Sphinx
      geometridae  Tornos scolopacinaria  Moth
        Rindgea nigricomma  Moth
      crambidae  Lipocosma polingi  Moth
        Glaphyria fulminalis  Black-patched Glaphyria
        Pyrausta pseudonythesalis  Pyrausta Moth
        Parapediasia sp.  Grass-veneer Moth
      pyralidae  Parachma ochracealis  Moth
        Peoria opacella  Moth
      tortricidae  Suleima helianthana  Sunflower Bud Moth
        Cochylis sp.  Moth
      gelechiidae  Coleotechnites sp.  Moth
        Aristotelia sp.  Moth
        Battaristis sp.  Moth
      heliodinidae  Aetole tripunctella  Moth
      acrolophidae  Acrolophus sp.  Tubeworm Moth

    coleoptera  chrysomelidae  Asphaera lustrans  Flea Beetle
        Lema trabeata  Leaf Beetle
      coccinellidae  Coccinella septempunctata  Seven-spotted Ladybird
        Harmonia axyridis  Multi-colored Asian Ladybird
      tenebrionidae  Eleodes goryi  Darkling Beetle
      elateridae  Diplostethus texanus  Click Beetle

    hemiptera  coreidae  Acanthocephala terminalis  Coreid Bug (adult & nymph)
        Chelinidea vittiger  Opuntia Bug (nymph)
        Narnia femorata  Cactus Bug (adult & nymph)
      lygaeidae  Oncopeltus fasciatus  Large Milkweed Bug
      rhopalidae  Arhyssus sp.  Scentless Plant Bug (nymph)
      reduviidae  Zelus renardii  Assassin Bug
        Emesaya brevipennis  Thread-legged Bug
        Triatoma gerstaeckeri  Kissing Bug
      pentatomidae  Chinavia hilare  Green Stink Bug

    homoptera  cicadellidae  Homalodisca vitripennis  Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
        Cuerna costalis  Leafhopper
        Osbornellus consors  Leafhopper

    hymenoptera  apidae  Apis mellifera  Honey Bee
        Bombus pensylvanicus  American Bumble Bee
        Xylocopa parkinsoniae  Large Carpenter Bee
        Nomada texana  Cuckoo Bee
        Triepeolus sp.  Cuckoo Bee
      halictidae  Agapostemon sp.  Green Sweat Bee
      megachilidae  Megachile sp.  Leaf-cutter Bee
        Stelis sp.  Parasitic Leaf-cutter Bee
      vespidae  Polistes exclamans  Paper Wasp
        Polistes rubiginosus  Paper Wasp
        Euodynerus hidalgo  Mason Wasp
        Pachodynerus nasidens  Keyhole Wasp
      sphecidae  Sphex ichneumoneus  Great Golden Digger Wasp
        Prionyx sp.  Thread-waisted Wasp
        Sceliphron caementarium  Yellow-and-black Mud Dauber
      crabronidae  Bicyrtes sp.  Sand Wasp
      pompilidae  Pepsis sp.  Spider Wasp
      formicidae  Camponotus sp.  Carpenter Ant
        Carebara longii  Ant

    diptera  syrphidae  Palpada vinetorum  Flower Fly
        Palpada pusilla  Flower Fly
        Ocyptamus fascipennis  Flower Fly
        Eristalis sp.  Flower Fly
        Toxomerus marginatus  Flower Fly
      sarcophagidae  Unknown sp.  Flesh Fly
      asilidae  Efferia sp.nbsp; Robber Fly
        Polacantha sp.  Robber Fly
      tachinidae  Archytas sp.  Tachinid Fly
        Peleteria sp.  Tachinid Fly

    odonata  coenagrionidae  Argia immunda  Kiowa Dancer
        Ishnura ramburii  Rambur's Forktail
      libellulidae  Pachydiplax longipennis  Blue Dasher
        Libellula croceipennis  Neon Skimmer
        Pantala flavescens  Wandering Glider
        Erythemis simplicicollis  Eastern Pondhawk
      aeshnidae  Anax junius  Common Green Darner

    orthoptera  acrididae  Lactista aztecus  Aztec Bandwing
        Schistocerca sp.  Bird Grasshopper (nymph)
        Schistocerca nitens  Gray Bird Grasshopper
        Schistocerca lineata  Spotted Bird Grasshopper
        Melanoplus plebejus  Plebeian Grasshopper (adult & nymph)
        Melanoplus ponderosus  Ponderous Grasshopper (adult & nymph)
        Syrbula montezuma  Montezuma's Grasshopper
      tetrigidae  Paratettix mexicanus  Pygmy Grasshopper
      tettigoniidae  Scudderia furcata  Fork-tailed Bush Katydid (adult & nymph)
        Orchelimum silvaticum  Long-spurred Meadow Katydid (nymph)

    mantodea  mantidae  Stagmomantis carolina  Carolina Mantis

    araneae  araneidae  Argiope aurantia  Black and Yellow Garden Spider
        Neoscona arabesca  Arabesque Orbweaver
        Eustala anastera  Orbweaver
      oecobiidae  Oecobius sp.  Wall Spider

  ABC > Home > THE FAUNA PROJECT > Survey September 5, 2013