Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:
Aquarius remigis (water strider nymph)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Oncopeltus sexmaculatus (six-spotted milkweed bug nymph)
photo by Mika Geiger
Carabus finitimus (ground beetle)
photo by George Ward
Hemiargus isola (Reakirt's blue)
photo by Dan Zinn
Libytheana carinenta (American snout)
photo by Julie Shaw
Libytheana carinenta (American snout)
photo by George Ward
Baeolophus atricristatus (black-crested titmouse)
photo by Sam Fruehling
Regulus calendula (ruby-crowned kinglet)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Regulus satrapa (golden-crowned kinglet)
photo by Annelia Williams
Mecaphesa sp. (crab spider)
photo by Joe Fernandes
Bombus pensylvanicus (American bumble bee)
photo by Katherine Daniels
Chrysomya rufifacies (hairy maggot blow fly)
photo by Katherine Daniels
Copestylum marginatum (flower fly)
photo by Katherine Daniels
Eristalis stipator (flower fly)
photo by Val Bugh
Palpada nr. furcata (flower fly)
photo by Katherine Daniels
Peleteria sp. (tachinid fly)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Telebasis salva (desert firetail & exuviae)
photo by Julie Shaw
Abacion texense (crested millipedes)
photo by Val Bugh
Tenuirostritermes sp. & Reticulitermes sp.
(nasutiform & subterranean termite soldiers)
photo by Julie Shaw & Mika Geiger
Otala lactea (milk snail)
photo by Val Bugh