  ABC > Home > THE FAUNA PROJECT > Survey September 2, 2021

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Fauna Project

The weather was very hot and sunny as nineteen people contributed to this week's survey. While the jumping spider shown below looks like it is protectively hovering over some eggs, it is only defending its food source. The eggs are those of a shield bug (scutelleridae) and the spider is a male.

Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Junonia coenia (common buckeye)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Euphyes vestris (dun skipper)
photo by Dan Hardy

Lerema accius (clouded skipper)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Hylephila phyleus (fiery skipper)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Choristoneura houstonana (juniper budworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Marimatha nigrofimbria (black-bordered lemon moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Palpita freemanalis (Freeman's palpita)
photo by Val Bugh

Spinus psaltria (lesser goldfinch)
photo by Bill Boyd

Aspidoscelis gularis gularis (Texas spotted whiptail)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Bufo nebulifer (gulf coast toad)
photo by Harry Miller

Polistes exclamans (paper wasp)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito)
photo by Becky Roberts

Hypocritanus fascipennis (flower fly)
photo by Dan Zinn

Oebalus pugnax (rice stink bug: adult & nymph)
photo by Barbara Ribble & Dwayne Mann

Pediodectes nigromarginatus (black-margined shieldback)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Boopedon gracile (graceful range grasshopper)
photo by Sam Fruehling

Mermiria bivittata (two-striped mermirias mating)
photo by Larry Swift

Eleodes goryi (desert stink beetle pair)
photo by Larry Swift

Colonus puerperus & Unknown sp.
(jumping spider eating shield bug eggs)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Hentzia palmarum (long-jawed jumper)
photo by Dwayne Mann

  • Birds:
    American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
    Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica)
    Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii)
    Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)
    Black-crested Titmouse (Baeolophus atricristatus)
    Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)
    Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)
    Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
    Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica)
    Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
    Hummingbird (Archilochus sp.)
    Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)
    Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)
    Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
    Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
    Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus)
    White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus)
    White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)

  • Mammals:
    Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
    Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus)
    White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

  • Reptiles & Amphibians:
    Texas Coral Snake (Micrurus tener)
    Texas Spotted Whiptail (Aspidoscelis gularis gularis)
    Texas Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus olivaceus)
    Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Rana berlandieri), adult & tadpole
    Gulf Coast Toad (Bufo nebulifer)

  • Misc.:
    Striped Bark Scorpion (Centruroides vittatus)
    Mite (Leptus sp.), on scorpion
    Gall Mites (Unknown sp.), galls on Texas persimmon
    Harvestman (Leiobunum sp.)

  • Insects & Spiders:
    orderfamilygenus/speciescommon name

    lepidoptera  nymphalidae  Agraulis vanillae  Gulf Fritillary
        Euptoieta claudia  Variegated Fritillary
        Danaus plexippus  Monarch
        Danaus gilippus  Queen
        Asterocampa celtis  Hackberry Emperor
        Junonia coenia  Common Buckeye
        Phyciodes tharos  Pearl Crescent
      pieridae  Eurema nicippe  Sleepy Orange
        Eurema lisa  Little Yellow
        Phoebis sennae  Cloudless Sulphur
      lycaenidae  Leptotes marina  Marine Blue
        Strymon melinus  Gray Hairstreak
      hesperiidae  Pyrgus communis/albescens  Common/White Checkered-skipper
        Pyrgus philetas  Desert Checkered-skipper
        Chioides albofasciatus  White-striped Longtail
        Erynnis horatius  Horace's Duskywing
        Systasea pulverulenta  Texas Powdered-skipper
        Nastra julia  Julia's Skipper
        Euphyes vestris  Dun Skipper
        Lerema accius  Clouded Skipper
        Hylephila phyleus  Fiery Skipper
        Lerodea eufala  Eufala Skipper
        Amblyscirtes celia  Celia's Roadside-skipper
      noctuidae  Xerociris wilsonii  Wilson's Wood-nymph
        Acronicta vinnula  Delightful Dagger Moth
        Mythimna unipuncta  Armyworm Moth
        Anicla infecta  Green Cutworm Moth
        Marimatha nigrofimbria  Black-bordered Lemon Moth
        Tripudia quadrifera  Moth
        Condica videns  White-dotted Groundling
        Ponometia phecolisca  Bird Dropping Moth
        Micrathetis triplex  Triplex Cutworm Moth
        Spragueia guttata  Spotted Spragueia Moth
        Spragueia obatra  Moth
        Chloridea virescens  Tobacco Budworm (larva)
      erebidae  Melipotis indomita  Moth
      arctiidae  Hypoprepia fucosa  Painted Lichen Moth
      notodontidae  Elasmia sp.  Prominent
        Schizura errucata  Prominent
      geometridae  Digrammia pallidata  Moth
        Digrammia atrofasciata  Moth
        Psamatodes abydata  Dot-lined Angle
        Anavitrinella atristrigaria  Gulf Coast Gray
        Nemoria zygotaria  Emerald
        Synchlora frondaria  Southern Emerald
        Glena quinquelinearia  Five-lined Glena
        Glenoides texanaria  Texas Gray Moth
        Pleuroprucha insusaria  Common Tan Wave
      crambidae  Urola nivalis  Snowy Urola
        Pyrausta pseuderosnealis  Pyrausta Moth
        Ommatospila narcaeusalis  Moth
        Palpita freemanalis  Freeman's Palpita
        Lipocosma polingi  Moth
        Aethiophysa invisalis  Moth
        Microcrambus croesus  Grass-veneer Moth
        Fissicrambus sp.  Grass-veneer Moth
      pyralidae  Eurythmia angulella  Moth
        Anderida peorinella  Grass-veneer Moth
        Tampa dimediatella  Tampa Moth
        Peoria opacella  Grass-veneer Moth
        Homoeosoma deceptorium  Moth
      tortricidae  Pelochrista consobrinana  Leafroller Moth
        Epiblema abruptana  Leafroller Moth
        Epiblema chromata  Leafroller Moth
        Pseudexentera knudsoni  Leaftier Moth
        Suleima helianthana  Sunflower Bud Moth
        Choristoneura houstonana  Juniper Budworm Moth
        Sonia constricta  Leafroller Moth
        Cydia membrosa  Leafroller Moth
        Cydia latiferreana  Filbertworm Moth
        Platynota flavedana  Black-shaded Platynota Moth
        Platynota idaeusalis  Tufted Apple Bud Moth
        Sparganothoides lentiginosana  Lentiginos Moth
        Ecdytolopha mana  Leafroller Moth
        Sparganothis demissana  Moth
        Unknown sp.  Moth
      gelechiidae  Isophrictis similiella  Moth
        Anacampsis new sp.  Moth
        Anacampsis fullonella  Moth
        Stegasta bosqueella  Red-necked Peanutworm Moth
        Untomia albistrigella  Moth
        Dichomeris inversella  Moth
        Coleotechnites sp.  Moth
        Coleotechnites eryngiella  Moth
        Unknown sp.  Moth
      blastobasidae  Pigritia sp.  Moth
      heliodinidae  Aetole tripunctella  Moth
      pterophoridae  Pselnophorus belfragei  Plume Moth
      coleophoridae  Coleophora sp.  Moth
      cosmopterigidae  Cosmopterix sp.  Moth
      gracillariidae  Acrocercops quinquistrigella  Moth
      acrolophidae  Amydria margoriella  Moth

    coleoptera  chrysomelidae  Pachybrachis turbidus  Leaf Beetle
        Asphaera lustrans  Flea Beetle
      coccinellidae  Harmonia axyridis  Multi-colored Asian Lady Beetle
        Coccinella septempunctata  Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
      bostrichidae  Xylobiops sp.  Powder-post Beetle
        Dendrobiella sericans  Powder-post Beetle
      tenebrionidae  Eleodes goryi  Desert Stink Beetle
      elateridae  Diplostethus texanus  Click Beetle
        Melanotus sp.  Click Beetle
      carabidae  Selenophorus sp.  Ground Beetle
      curculionidae  Curculio sp.  Nut Weevil

    hemiptera  coreidae  Acanthocephala terminalis  Coreid Bug (adult & nymph)
        Leptoglossus phyllopus  Eastern Leaf-footed Bug (nymph)
        Mozena lunata  Mesquite Bug
        Narnia femorata  Cactus Bug
      largidae  Largus sp.  Largus Bug (adult & nymph)
      lygaeidae  Oncopeltus fasciatus  Large Milkweed Bug
      rhyparochromidae  Neopamera bilobata  Seed Bug
        Cnemodus mavortius  Seed Bug
      miridae  Phytocoris sp.  Plant Bug
        Neurocolpus sp.  Plant Bug
      reduviidae  Zelus tetracanthus  Four-spined Assassin Bug
      scutelleridae  Unknown sp.  Shield Bug (eggs)
      pentatomidae  Euschistus servus  Brown Stink Bug
        Euschistus tristigmus  Stink Bug
        Oebalus pugnax  Rice Stink Bug (adult & nymph)
        Banasa euchlora  Stink Bug

    homoptera  cicadellidae  Rugosana sp.  Leafhopper
        Norvellina helenae  Leafhopper
        Curtara insularis  Leafhopper
        Illinigina illinoiensis  Leafhopper
        Ollarianus strictus  Leafhopper
        Scaphoideus sp.  Leafhopper
        Scaphytopius sp.  Leafhopper
        Draeculacephala sp.  Leafhopper
        Graminella nigrifrons  Leafhopper
        Tropicanus costomaculatus  Leafhopper
        Erythroneura tricincta  Leafhopper
        Erythroneura sp.  Leafhopper
        Paraphlepsius sp.  Leafhopper
        Paraphlepsius strobi  Leafhopper
        Trypanalebra maculata  Leafhopper
        Planicephalus flavicosta  Leafhopper
      membracidae  Stictocephala sp.  Treehopper
      flatidae  Metcalfa pruinosa  Citrus Planthopper
      achilidae  Opsiplanon luella  planthopper
      cixiidae  Melanoliarus sp.  Planthopper
      aphididae  Pemphigus populitransversus  Poplar Petiole-gall Aphid

    hymenoptera  apidae  Apis mellifera  Honey Bee
        Bombus pensylvanicus  American Bumble Bee
      halictidae  Augochlorella sp.  Green Sweat Bee
        Lasioglossum sp.  Sweat Bee
      vespidae  Polistes exclamans  Paper Wasp
        Polistes bellicosus  Paper Wasp
        Polistes rubiginosus  Red Wasp
        Polistes dorsalis  Paper Wasp
        Vespula squamosa  Southern Yellowjacket
        Unknown sp.  Mason Wasp
      pompilidae  Unknown sp.  Spider Wasp
      chalcididae  Conura sp.  Chalcid Wasp
      cynipidae  Disholcaspis cinerosa  Mealy Oak Gall (larva)
      braconidae  Unknown sp.  Braconid Wasp
        Phanerotoma sp.  Braconid Wasp
      ichneumonidae  Anomalon sp.  Ichneumon
      argidae  Sphacophilus sp.  Argid Sawfly (adult & larva)

    diptera  syrphidae  Hypocritanus fascipennis  Flower Fly
      stratiomyidae  Microchrysa sp.  Soldier Fly
      dolichopodidae  Condylostylus sp.  Long-legged Fly
      culicidae  Aedes albopictus  Asian Tiger Mosquito
      cecidomyiidae  Unknown sp.  Gall Midge

    odonata  coenagrionidae  Argia plana  Springwater Dancer
        Argia immunda  Kiowa Dancer
        Ischnura ramburii  Rambur's Forktail
        Telebasis salva  Desert Firetail
      libellulidae  Libellula croceipennis  Neon Skimmer
        Pachydiplax longipennis  Blue Dasher
        Tramea onusta  Red Saddlebags
      aeshnidae  Anax junius  Common Green Darner

    orthoptera  acrididae  Melanoplus differentialis  Differential Grasshopper (adult & nymph)
        Melanoplus ponderosus  Ponderous Grasshopper
        Melanoplus flabellatus  Dallas Short-winged Grasshopper
        Melanoplus plebejus  Plebeian Grasshopper (adult & nymph)
        Melanoplus punctulatus  Pinetree Spurthroat
        Hesperotettix speciosus  Showy Grasshopper
        Eritettix abortivus  Texas Short-winged Slant-faced Grasshopper (nymph)
        Mermiria bivittata  Two-striped Mermiria
        Syrbula admirabilis  Handsome Grasshopper
        Syrbula montezuma  Montezuma's Grasshopper (nymph)
        Boopedon gracile  Graceful Range Grasshopper
        Schistocerca obscura  Obscure Bird Grasshopper
        Schistocerca americana  American Bird Grasshopper
        Chortophaga viridifasciata  Northern Green-striped Grasshopper
      tettigoniidae  Scudderia furcata  Fork-tailed Bush Katydid (nymph)
        Pediodectes nigromarginatus  Black-margined Shieldback
        Conocephalus strictus  Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid (adult & nymph)
      gryllidae  Neonemobius nr. mormonius  Collared Ground Cricket
        Eunemobius carolinus  Ground Cricket (nymph)

    mantodea  mantidae  Stagmomantis limbata  Bordered Mantis
        Stagmomantis carolina  Carolina Mantis (nymph)

    dermaptera  anisolabididae  Euborellia annulipes  Ring-legged Earwig

    neuroptera  hemerobiidae  Sympherobius sp.  Brown Lacewing

    trichoptera  leptoceridae  Triaenodes sp.  Long-horned Caddisfly
      hydropsychidae  Cheumatopsyche sp.  Netspinning Caddisfly

    ephemeroptera  heptageniidae  Stenonema femoratum  Flat-headed Mayfly

    araneae  salticidae  Phidippus audax  Bold Jumper
        Phidippus pius  Jumping Spider
        Colonus puerperus  Jumping Spider
        Anasaitis canosa  Jumping Spider
        Hentzia palmarum  Long-jawed Jumper
      araneidae  Argiope aurantia  Black and Yellow Garden Spider
        Araneus pegnia  Orbweaver
        Cyclosa turbinata  Trashline Orbweaver
        Mangora gibberosa  Orbweaver
        Mangora placida  Orbweaver
        Wagneriana tauricornis  Orbweaver
      oxyopidae  Peucetia viridans  Green Lynx
      thomisidae  Mecaphesa sp.  Crab Spider
      dictynidae  Dictyna sp.  Meshweb Weaver
      tetragnathidae  Tetragnatha sp.  Longjawed Orbweaver
      agelenidae  Barronopsis texana  Funnel Weaver
      pisauridae  Dolomedes triton  Fishing Spider
      lycosidae  Hogna baltimoriana  Wolf Spider
      pholcidae  Modisimus texanus  Cellar Spider

  ABC > Home > THE FAUNA PROJECT > Survey September 2, 2021