Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Archilochus alexandri (black-chinned hummingbird fledgling)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Sceloporus olivaceus (Texas spiny lizard)
photo by Dan Zinn

Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri (Texas rat snake)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Opheodrys aestivus (rough green snake)
photo by Val Bugh

Dolichoplana striata (land planarian)
photo by Val Bugh

Pseudouroctonus reddelli (Texas cave scorpion)
photo by Barbara Ribble

Mecaphesa dubia (crab spider)
photo by Val Bugh

Platycryptus undatus (jumping spider)
photo by Val Bugh

Ischyrus quadripunctatus (pleasing fungus beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Oncometopia orbona (leafhopper)
photo by Val Bugh

Phlegyas annulicrus (seed bugs mating)
photo by Val Bugh

Litoprosopus futilis (palmetto borer larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Systasea pulverulenta (Texas powdered-skipper)
photo by Val Bugh

Acrolophus cressoni (tubeworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Promachus hinei (robber flies mating)
photo by Val Bugh

Arethaea ambulator (walking thread-legged katydid)
photo by Val Bugh

Oecanthus celerinictus (fast-calling tree cricket)
photo by Val Bugh

Ischnura hastata (citrine forktail)
photo by Val Bugh

Pachydiplax longipennis (blue dasher)
photo by Val Bugh

Libellula croceipennis (neon skimmer)
photo by Dan Zinn