2. Intermediate-term corporate bonds. Bonds may be purchased outright or via closed-end funds or mutual funds. A good vehicle for this last means of acquiring bond value is the Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment Grade Fund Investor Shares (VFICX). This fund has an initial minimum investment of $3000. (Another, the Admiral Shares version [VFIDX], has a bit lower fees, but requires a minimum investment of $50,000.) VFICX, at 3.13%, does not currently have a high yield. What is more, investors probably should be aware that as interest rates and/or inflation increase the initial investment is likely to drop to some degree. However, if one is gradually setting aside funds at regular amounts and intervals, for instance in an IRA or a 401k account, the investor can benefit from the bond market's ups and downs, getting more shares when the price is lower and so reducing the overall cost basis. In addition, VFICX has a decent long-term record. A $10,000 investment a decade ago, left untouched and with all distributions reinvested, would be worth about $16,000 today. Given that the stock market is overvalued, likely to decline substantially in at most the next several years, this might be a much better place to put one's hard earned dollars, all things considered, at least till after such a major drop in stock prices.
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