Do not worry about a target MARKET value for your stocks portfolio. Insist on a target equity BOOK value instead. The market performs at times almost randomly and at others emotionally, reacting with wild positive and negative swings to relatively minor stimuli. As such, it is undependable except in the long-term, when happily the trend is upward. But one can buy stocks in such a way as to insure desired levels of book value (essentially net asset value). On average, in modern times the markets have tended to value equities at about twice their book value. So, if one has $50,000 in stock book value, the odds are that sooner or later the market value of the portfolio will reach $100,000. To retain a margin of safety for one's portfolio, I recommend an overall price to book value of 1.33 or below. If the portfolio P/Bk gets much above 1.33, look for low book value stocks to sell off. If much below 1.33, it means that stocks are tending to be undervalued, so now may be a great time to buy more.
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