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LARVALBUG LENS, August, 2018

Over a year before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Val decided to take a side trip to the city on her way from Texas to Florida to visit with her mother and father in Ocala. It was the end of January, 2004, and the weather was great, though a bit rainy, so she spent a day checking out the Audubon Zoo and the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. First thing in the morning, Val parked at the zoo and spent half a day there. Then she took a city bus downtown to the Aquarium and had the chance to view a bit of the glitz in the tourist area. There was no special significance to this sign except that it was catchy. A bit of after-the-fact research revealed that this establishment is not a restaurant but a souvenir shop. No matter; cool sign. After staying at the Aquarium until it closed, Val took the bus back to the zoo to pick up her car. Since she was the only rider for the last part of the trip, she had a nice chat with the bus driver. It was an easy way to see a little bit of New Orleans without having to deal with traffic.