Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Danaus plexippus (monarch)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Agraulis vanillae (gulf fritillary)
photo by Bill Boyd

Euptoieta claudia (variegated fritillary)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Vanessa cardui (painted lady)
photo by Michael Knox

Colias eurytheme (orange sulphur)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Melanoplus flabellatus & Melanoplus discolor (Dallas short-
winged grasshopper & contrasting spurthroat grasshopper)
photo by Michael Knox & Val Bugh

Thyanta custator (stink bug nymphs & eggs)
photo by Mika Geiger

Mozena lunata (mesquite bug)
photo by Erik Loza

Niesthrea louisianica (scentless plant bug)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Jadera haematoloma (red-shouldered bug)
photo by George Ward

Omophoita cyanipennis (flea beetle)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Atteva aurea (ailanthus webworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Triepeolus sp. (cuckoo bee)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Prionyx sp. (thread-waisted wasp)
photo by Oscar Vaz

Efferia tuberculata & Solenopsis invicta
(female robber fly eating male imported fire ant)
photo by Egidio Leitão

Gambusia affinis (mosquitofish)
photo by Michael Knox

Cardinalis cardinalis (northern cardinal)
photo by George Ward

Vireo griseus & Unknown sp. (white-eyed vireo eating bug)
photo by Michael Knox

Dendroica petechia (yellow warblers)
photo by George Ward

Abacion texense & Unknown sp. (crested millipede & soil centipede)
photo by Val Bugh & Beth Kirkhart