Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Otala lactea (milk snail)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Unknown sp. (bristletail)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Oxyopes salticus (striped lynx, female)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Oxyopes salticus (striped lynx, male)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Platycryptus undatus (jumping spider)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Dalquestia formosa (Halloween harvestman, immature)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Chalcoela iphitalis (sooty-winged chalcoela)
photo by Val Bugh

Hylephila phyleus (fiery skipper)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Nathalis iole (dainty sulphur)
photo by Katherine Daniels

Eubaphe unicolor (moth)
photo by Barbara Ribble

Meleagris gallopavo (wild turkey)
photo by Bill Boyd

Arilus cristatus (wheel bug nymph)
photo by Katherine Daniels

Cuerna costalis (leafhopper)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Cycloneda sanguinea (red lady beetle pupa)
photo by Katherine Daniels

Systena hudsonias (flea beetle)
photo by Katherine Daniels

Polistes exclamans (paper wasp with eggs)
photo by Dwayne Mann

Polistes exclamans (paper wasp with larvae)
photo by Val Bugh

Condylostylus sp. (long-legged fly)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Tabanus sp. (horse fly)
photo by Val Bugh

Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus (redstripe ribbon snake)
photo by Joe Fernandes