Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Falco sparverius (American kestrel)
photo by Beth Kirkhart

Mimus polyglottos (northern mockingbird)
photo by Bill Boyd

Spizella pusilla (field sparrow)
photo by Annelia Williams

Corvus corax & Corvus brachyrhynchos (common raven & American crows)
photo by Bill Boyd & Beth Kirkhart

Anolis carolinensis (green anole)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Lithobates berlandieri (Rio Grande leopard frog)
photo by Betty McCreary

Strymon istapa (mallow scrub-hairstreak)
photo by Sam Fruehling

top:Wallengrenia otho & Lerodea eufala (southern broken-dash & eufala skipper) bottom: Atalopedes campestris & Hylephila phyleus (sachem & fiery skipper) |
photo by Katherine Daniels, Dan Zinn, David Cook & Dan Zinn

Pasimachus californicus (ground beetle)
photo by David Cook

Panorpa nuptialis (scorpionfly, female)
photo by Michael Knox

Manduca sexta (Carolina sphinx moth larva)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Mozena lunata (mesquite bug nymph)
photo by David Cook

Hypselonotus punctiventris (coreid bug)
photo by Val Bugh

Chinavia hilaris (green stink bug nymph)
photo by Joe Fernandes

Vespula maculifrons (eastern yellowjacket queen)
photo by Val Bugh

Vespula maculifrons (eastern yellowjacket drone)
photo by Val Bugh

Brachygastra mellifica & Pachodynerus nasidens
(Mexican honey wasp & keyhole wasp)
photo by Val Bugh & Katherine Daniels

Aedes vexans (inland floodwater mosquito)
photo by Katherine Daniels

Empis sp. & Zodion sp. (dance fly & thick-headed fly)
photo by Joe Fernandes & Katherine Daniels

Musca domestica (house fly)
photo by David Cook