order | family | genus/species | common name |
lepidoptera | nymphalidae | Agraulis vanillae | Gulf Fritillary |
| | Euptoieta claudia | Variegated Fritillary |
| | Danaus plexippus | Monarch |
| | Danaus gilippus | Queen |
| | Vanessa virginiensis | American Lady |
| | Junonia coenia | Common Buckeye |
| | Chlosyne lacinia | Bordered Patch |
| | Phyciodes tharos | Pearl Crescent |
| | Phyciodes texana | Texan Crescent |
| lycaenidae | Strymon melinus | Gray Hairstreak |
| | Satyrium favonius | Oak Hairstreak |
| | Calycopis isobeon | Dusky-blue Groundstreak |
| | Callophrys gryneus | Juniper Hairstreak |
| | Atlides halesus | Great Purple Hairstreak |
| | Hemiargus isola | Reakirt's Blue |
| papilionidae | Battus philenor | Pipevine Swallowtail |
| | Papilio polyxenes | Black Swallowtail |
| | Papilio cresphontes | Giant Swallowtail |
| | Papilio multicaudata | Two-tailed Swallowtail |
| pieridae | Colias eurytheme | Orange Sulphur |
| | Zerene cesonia | Southern Dogface |
| | Eurema lisa | Little Yellow |
| | Eurema nicippe | Sleepy Orange |
| | Nathalis iole | Dainty Sulphur |
| | Phoebis sennae | Cloudless Sulphur |
| hesperiidae | Hylephila phyleus | Fiery Skipper |
| | Pyrgus communis/albescens | Common/White Checkered-skipper |
| | Erynnis funeralis | Funereal Duskywing (adult & larva) |
| | Erynnis horatius | Horace's Duskywing |
| noctuidae | Galgula partita | The Wedgling |
| | Maliattha synochitis | Black-dotted Lithacodia |
| erebidae | Melipotis indomita | Moth |
| arctiidae | Estigmene acrea | Saltmarsh Moth |
| saturniidae | Hyalophora cecropia | Cecropia Moth (larva) |
| geometridae | Digrammia pallidata | Moth |
| | Rindgea cyda | Mesquite Looper Moth |
| | Glena quinquelinearia | Five-lined Glena |
| | Pimaphera sparsaria | Moth |
| | Nemoria bifilata | White-barred Emerald |
| | Nemoria zygotaria | Emerald |
| | Chlorochlamys chloroleucaria | Blackberry Looper Moth |
| | Eubaphe unicolor | Moth |
| | Eupithecia miserulata | Common Eupithecia (larva) |
| crambidae | Microcrambus croesus | Grass-veneer Moth |
| | Pyrausta laticlavia | Southern Purple Mint Moth |
| | Urola nivalis | Snowy Urola |
| | Lipocosma polingi | Moth |
| | Aethiophysa invisalis | Moth |
| | Elophila obliteralis | Waterlily Leafcutter Moth |
| pyralidae | Eurythmia angulella | Moth |
| | Ephestiodes gilvescentella | Dusky Raisin Moth |
| tortricidae | Epiblema abruptana | Leafroller Moth |
| | Archips argyrospila | Fruit Tree Leafroller |
| | Cenopis diluticostana | Spring Dead-leaf Roller Moth |
| | Cenopis pettitana | Maple-basswood Leafroller Moth |
| | Platynota flavedana | Black-shaded Platynota Moth |
| | Sparganothis distincta | Leafroller Moth |
| | Paralobesia viteana | Grape Berry Moth |
| gelechiidae | Compsolechia crescentifasciella | Moth |
| | Isophrictis similiella | Moth |
| | Pseudotelphusa sp. | Moth |
| lacturidae | Lactura subfervens | Moth |
| scythrididae | Scythris trivinctella | Moth |
| | Neoscythris fissirostris | Moth |
| cosmopterigidae | Stilbosis sp. | Moth |
| schreckensteiniidae | Schreckensteinia erythriella | Bristle-legged Moth |
| heliozelidae | Antispila sp. | Shield-bearing Moth |
| acrolophidae | Acrolophus texanella | Tubeworm Moth |
| | Acrolophus griseus | Tubeworm Moth |
| | Acrolophus cressoni | Tubeworm Moth |
| | Acrolophus mortipennella | Tubeworm Moth |
coleoptera | chrysomelidae | Brachypnoea sp. | Leaf Beetle |
| | Diabrotica undecimpunctata | Spotted Cucumber Beetle |
| | Myochrous sp. | Leaf Beetle |
| | Rhabdopterus sp. | Leaf Beetle |
| | Metrioidea sp. | Leaf Beetle |
| | Disonycha discoidea | Passionflower Flea Beetle (adult & larva) |
| | Chaetocnema quadricollis | Flea Beetle |
| | Megacerus cubiculus | Bean Weevil |
| coccinellidae | Cycloneda sanguinea | Red Lady Beetle |
| | Coccinella septempunctata | Seven-spotted Lady Beetle |
| | Hippodamia convergens | Convergent Lady Beetle |
| cerambycidae | Strangalia virilis | Flower Longhorn |
| buprestidae | Acmaeodera ornatoides | Metallic Woodborer |
| scarabaeidae | Euphoria kernii | Flower Scarab |
| hybosoridae | Hybosorus illigeri | Scavenger Scarab |
| anthribidae | Trigonorhinus limbatus | Fungus Weevil |
| meloidae | Nemognatha sp. | Blister Beetle |
| erotylidae | Languria mozardi | Lizard Beetle |
| cantharidae | Tytthonyx erythrocephala | Soldier Beetle |
| bostrichidae | Xylobiops sp. | Powder-post Beetle |
| tenebrionidae | Eleodes goryi | Desert Stink Beetle |
| | Blapstinus sp. | Darkling Beetle |
hemiptera | coreidae | Acanthocephala terminalis | Coreid Bug (adult & nymph) |
| | Leptoglossus phyllopus | Eastern Leaf-footed Bug |
| | Leptoglossus clypealis | Leaf-footed Bug |
| | Chelinidea vittiger | Opuntia Bug (adult & nymph) |
| | Chelinidea tabulata | Opuntia Bug (adult & nymph) |
| | Narnia femorata | Cactus Bug (adult & nymph) |
| largidae | Largus sp. | Largus Bug |
| rhopalidae | Harmostes reflexulus | Scentless Plant Bug |
| | Arhyssus sp. | Scentless Plant Bug |
| berytidae | Metacanthus multispinus | Stilt Bug |
| miridae | Taedia sp. | Plant Bug |
| | Phytocoris sp. | Plant Bug |
| | Halticotoma nicholi | Yucca Plant Bug |
| | Dichaetocoris sp. | Plant Bug |
| gerridae | Aquarius remigis | Water Strider |
| reduviidae | Apiomerus spissipes | Bee Assassin |
| | Zelus tetracanthus | Four-spined Assassin Bug |
| pentatomidae | Thyanta custator | Stink Bug |
| | Cosmopepla lintneriana | Stink Bug |
| | Banasa euchlora | Stink Bug |
| | Chlorochroa ligata | Conchuela (adult & nymph) |
homoptera | cicadellidae | Homalodisca vitripennis | Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (adult & nymph) |
| | Oncometopia orbona | Leafhopper (adult & nymph) |
| | Cuerna costalis | Leafhopper (adult & nymph) |
| | Scaphoideus sp. | Leafhopper |
| | Scaphytopius elegans | Leafhopper |
| | Xerophloea viridis | Leafhopper |
| | Graphocephala hieroglyphica | Leafhopper |
| | Graphocephala versuta | Leafhopper |
| | Draeculacephala sp. | Leafhopper |
| | Agalliopsis cervina | Leafhopper |
| | Balclutha neglecta | Leafhopper |
| | Tropicanus costomaculatus | Leafhopper |
| | Excultanus excultus | Leafhopper |
| | Paraphlepsius sp. | Leafhopper |
| | Chlorotettix sp. | Leafhopper |
| | Jikradia olitoria | Leafhopper (nymph) |
| | Polyamia sp. | Leafhopper |
| | Erasmoneura vulnerata | Leafhopper |
| | Daltonia sp. | Leafhopper |
| acanaloniidae | Acanalonia conica | Planthopper (adult & nymph) |
| flatidae | Metcalfa pruinosa | Citrus Planthopper |
| issidae | Fowlerium acuta | Planthopper |
| | Thionia elliptica | Planthopper |
| delphacidae | Saccharosydne saccharivora | West Indian Canefly (adult & nymph) |
| tropiduchidae | Dictyonissus griphus | Planthopper |
| membracidae | Tortistilus inermis | Treehopper |
| | Stictocephala sp. | Treehopper |
| | Archasia auriculata | Treehopper |
| cixiidae | Melanoliarus sp. | Planthopper |
| cercopidae | Prosapia bicincta | Two-lined Spittlebug |
| aphididae | Unknown sp. | Aphid |
hymenoptera | apidae | Apis mellifera | Honey Bee |
| | Bombus pensylvanicus | American Bumble Bee |
| | Diadasia afflicta | Digger Bee |
| | Centris atripes | Digger Bee |
| | Anthophora californica | Digger Bee |
| | Unknown sp. | Digger Bee |
| | Xylocopa virginica | Eastern Carpenter Bee |
| | Xylocopa micans | Southern Carpenter Bee |
| halictidae | Lasioglossum sp. | Sweat Bee |
| | Augochloropsis metallica | Green Sweat Bee |
| megachilidae | Megachile sp. | Leaf-cutter Bee |
| vespidae | Polistes exclamans | Paper Wasp |
| | Polistes dorsalis | Paper Wasp |
| | Polistes rubiginosus | Red Wasp |
| sphecidae | Sphex lucae | Digger Wasp |
| | Ammophila sp. | Thread-waisted Wasp |
| crabronidae | Bicyrtes ventralis | Sand Wasp |
| pompilidae | Pepsis sp. | Tarantula-hawk Wasp |
| formicidae | Crematogaster laeviuscula | Acrobat Ant |
| | Solenopsis invicta | Imported Fire Ant |
| torymidae | Podagrion sp. | Torymid Wasp |
| chalcididae | Conura sp. | Chalcid Wasp |
| ichneumonidae | Unknown sp. | Ichneumon |
| braconidae | Phanerotoma sp. | Braconid Wasp |
diptera | syrphidae | Copestylum avidum | Flower Fly |
| bombyliidae | Hemipenthes celeris | Bee Fly |
| | Villa sp. | Bee Fly |
| stratiomyidae | Unknown sp. | Soldier Fly |
| | Nemotelus kansensis | Soldier Fly |
| asilidae | Atomosia melanopogon | Robber Fly |
| | Promachus hinei | Robber Fly |
| sarcophagidae | Unknown sp. | Flesh Fly |
| agromyzidae | Unknown sp. | Leaf-miner Fly |
| lauxaniidae | Neodeceia sp. | Lauxaniid Fly |
| dolichopodidae | Condylostylus sp. | Long-legged Fly |
| | Dactylomyia lateralis | Long-legged Fly |
| platystomatidae | Senopterina caerulescens | Signal Fly |
| ceratopogonidae | Unknown sp. | Biting Midge |
| cecidomyiidae | Unknown sp. | Gall Midge |
| | Asteromyia carbonifera | Gall Midge (larva) |
| culicidae | Aedes albopictus | Asian Tiger Mosquito |
odonata | libellulidae | Pachydiplax longipennis | Blue Dasher |
| | Plathemis lydia | Common Whitetail |
| | Libellula croceipennis | Neon Skimmer |
| | Libellula saturata | Flame Skimmer |
| | Erythemis simplicicollis | Eastern Pondhawk |
| | Tramea onusta | Red Saddlebags |
| aeshnidae | Anax junius | Common Green Darner |
| coenagrionidae | Argia plana | Springwater Dancer |
| | Argia fumipennis | Variable Dancer |
| | Ischnura ramburii | Rambur's Forktail |
| | Ischnura hastata | Citrine Forktail |
| | Telebasis salva | Desert Firetail |
| | Enallagma civile | Familiar Bluet |
orthoptera | acrididae | Melanoplus ponderosus | Ponderous Grasshopper (nymph) |
| | Melanoplus differentialis | Differential Grasshopper (nymph) |
| | Melanoplus flabellatus | Dallas Short-winged Grasshopper (nymph) |
| | Paraidemona sp. | Spur-throated Grasshopper |
| | Hesperotettix speciosus | Showy Grasshopper (nymph) |
| | Boopedon gracile | Graceful Range Grasshopper (nymph) |
| | Mermiria bivittata | Two-striped Mermiria (nymph) |
| | Arphia simplex | Plains Yellow-winged Grasshopper |
| | Chortophaga viridifasciata | Northern Green-striped Grasshopper |
| | Schistocerca lineata | Spotted Bird Grasshopper (nymph) |
| | Schistocerca nitens | Gray Bird Grasshopper (nymph) |
| gryllidae | Gryllus sp. | Field Cricket (adult & nymph) |
| | Oecanthus varicornis | Tree Cricket (nymph) |
| | Oecanthus niveus | Narrow-winged Tree Cricket (nymph) |
| | Oecanthus sp. | Tree Cricket |
| tettigoniidae | Obolopteryx catinata | Spoon-tailed Short-winged Katydid (adult & nymph) |
| | Scudderia furcata | Fork-tailed Bush Katydid (nymph) |
| | Pediodectes haldemani | Haldeman's Shieldback |
blattodea | blaberidae | Panchlora nivea | Green Roach |
neuroptera | chrysopidae | Unknown sp. | Green Lacewing (larva) |
| | Eremochrysa punctinervis | Green Lacewing |
| myrmeleontidae | Myrmeleon sp. | Antlion (larva) |
ephemeroptera | baetidae | Callibaetis sp. | Small Minnow Mayfly |
thysanoptera | thripidae | Unknown sp. | Thrips |
araneae | araneidae | Argiope aurantia | Black and Yellow Garden Spider |
| | Araneus bicentenarius | Giant Lichen Orbweaver |
| | Neoscona arabesca | Arabesque Orbweaver |
| tetragnathidae | Tetragnatha laboriosa | Silver Longjawed Orbweaver |
| oxyopidae | Peucetia viridans | Green Lynx |
| thomisidae | Mecaphesa sp. | Crab Spider |
| theridiidae | Steatoda triangulosa | Checkered Cobweb Weaver (eggs) |
| uloboridae | Uloborus glomosus | Feather-legged Orbweaver (adult & eggs) |
| pholcidae | Crossopriza lyoni | Cellar Spider |