Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:
Sylvilagus floridanus (eastern cottontail)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Odocoileus virginianus (white-tailed deer, male & female)
photo by Bill Boyd & Beth Kirkhart
Araneus bicentenarius (giant lichen orbweaver)
photo by Joe Fernandes
Argyrodes sp. (silver dewdrop spider)
photo by Val Bugh
Peucetia viridans (green lynx)
photo by Rad Decker
Laphria macquarti (robber fly)
photo by Val Bugh
Odontoloxozus longicornis (cactus fly)
photo by Joe Fernandes
Murgantia histrionica (harlequin bug: deformed & normal)
photo by Val Bugh
Strymon melinus & Unknown sp.
(gray hairstreak larva & braconid wasp cocoons)
photo by Barbara Ribble
Condica videns & Asteromyia carbonifera
(white-dotted groundling larva & gall midge galls)
photo by Val Bugh
Unknown sp. (sphinx moth larva)
photo by Val Bugh
Lerema accius (clouded skipper larva)
photo by Dan Hardy
Bradybaena similaris (Asian trampsnail)
photo by Val Bugh
Libellula luctuosa (widow skimmer, teneral male)
photo by Dan Hardy
Libellula luctuosa (widow skimmer, mature male)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Sceloporus olivaceus (Texas spiny lizard)
photo by Pat Dittmar
Archilochus alexandri (black-chinned hummingbird)
photo by Barbara Ribble
Corvus corax (common raven)
photo by Beth Kirkhart
Passerina ciris (painted bunting)
photo by Bill Boyd
Accipiter cooperii (Cooper's hawks)
photo by Beth Kirkhart