Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:
Cathartes aura (turkey vulture)
photo by Bill Boyd
Acanthoscelides sp. (bean weevil)
photo by Val Bugh
Anthonomus fulvus (weevil)
photo by Dan Hardy
Pachyschelus laevigatus (metallic woodborer & feeding damage)
photo by Val Bugh
Acanalonia conica & Acanalonia laticosta (planthoppers)
photo by Val Bugh
Acanalonia conica (planthopper nymphs)
photo by Val Bugh
Metcalfa pruinosa (citrus planthopper nymph)
photo by Erin Cannon
Copestylum avidum & Unknown sp. (flower fly & flesh fly)
photo by Erin Cannon & Dan Hardy
Nemotelus sp. (soldier fly)
photo by Val Bugh
Leptotes marina (marine blue)
photo by Harriett Wolf
Calycopis isobeon (dusky-blue groundstreak: 2 views of tails)
photo by Val Bugh
Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri (Texas rat snake)
photo by Erik Loza
Aspidoscelis gularis gularis (Texas spotted whiptails)
photo by Harriett Wolf
Sceloporus olivaceus (Texas spiny lizard eating saltmarsh caterpillar)
photo by Dan Zinn
Gastrophryne olivacea (Great Plains narrowmouth toad)
photo by Erik Loza
Libellula croceipennis (neon skimmer)
photo by Bill Boyd
Mecaphesa sp. (male & female crab spiders eating flies)
photo by Val Bugh
Polistes rubiginosus (red wasp)
photo by Julie Shaw
Petrophila jaliscalis (moth)
photo by Val Bugh
Cerma cerintha (tufted bird dropping moth)
photo by Val Bugh