Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Cardinalis cardinalis (northern cardinal hatchlings & egg)
photo by Pat Dittmar

Argiope aurantia (black and yellow garden spider)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Phidippus pius (jumping spider)
photo by Val Bugh

Cycloptilum sp. (scaly cricket)
photo by Val Bugh

Megamelus sp. (planthoppers: adult & nymphs)
photo by Val Bugh

Junonia coenia (common buckeye)
photo by Julie Shaw

Papilio cresphontes (giant swallowtail)
photo by Dan Zinn

Synchlora frondaria (southern emerald: pupa & eclosed adult)
photo by Val Bugh

Euchlaena marginaria (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Gerdana caritella (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Fissicrambus sp. (grass-veneer moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Spragueia jaguaralis (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito)
photo by Val Bugh

Pepsis sp. (spider wasp)
photo by Pat Dittmar

Dianthidium sp. (resin bee)
photo by Val Bugh

Megachile fortis (leaf-cutter bee)
photo by Val Bugh

Svastra petulca (digger bee)
photo by Sam Fruehling

Cylindrocopturus sp. (weevils mating)
photo by Val Bugh

Lema daturaphila (three-lined potato beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Erpobdella sp. (leech)
photo by Val Bugh