Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Pachydiplax longipennis (blue dasher obelisking)
photo by Val Bugh

Libellula luctuosa (widow skimmer)
photo by Val Bugh

Bombus griseocollis (brown-belted bumble bee)
photo by Val Bugh

Sphex lucae (digger wasp excavating nest)
photo by Val Bugh

Euodynerus hidalgo (mason wasp)
photo by Val Bugh

Unknown sp. (argid sawfly, male)
photo by Val Bugh

Pacarina puella (cicada)
photo by Val Bugh

Narnia femorata (cactus bug)
photo by Val Bugh

Sehirus cinctus (burrowing bug)
photo by Val Bugh

Pelidnota punctata (grapevine beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Euetheola humilis (sugarcane beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Strategus aloeus (ox beetle larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Cryptocephalus fulguratus (leaf beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Acrolophus sp. (tubeworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Acrolophus griseus (tubeworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Durrantia piperatella (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Hyphantria cunea (fall webworm larvae)
photo by Val Bugh

Xerociris wilsonii (Wilson's wood-nymph larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Unknown sp. (spider mites)
photo by Val Bugh

Geococcyx californianus (greater roadrunner feather)
photo by Val Bugh