Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:
Ceratina cobaltina (small carpenter bee)
photo by Val Bugh
Compsocryptus sp. (ichneumon)
photo by Val Bugh
Unknown sp. (stone centipede)
photo by Val Bugh
Aniulus sp. (julid millipede)
photo by Val Bugh
Abacion sp. (crested millipede)
photo by Val Bugh
Vanessa atalanta (red admiral)
photo by Val Bugh
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria (bent-line carpet)
photo by Barbara Ribble
Paleacrita vernata (spring cankerworm)
photo by Val Bugh
Lineodes interrupta (moth)
photo by Val Bugh
Pyrausta laticlavia (southern purple mint moth)
photo by Val Bugh
Epinotia celtisana (leafroller moth)
photo by Val Bugh
Synageles sp. (ant-mimic jumping spider)
photo by Val Bugh
Pardosa sp. (wolf spider)
photo by Val Bugh
Schizocosa mccooki (wolf spider)
photo by Val Bugh
Agabus disintegratus (predaceous water beetle)
photo by Pat Dittmar
Largus sp. (largus bug)
photo by Val Bugh
Mormidea lugens (stink bug)
photo by Val Bugh
Melanoplus femurrubrum (red-legged grasshopper)
photo by Val Bugh
Unknown sp. (rams-horn snail)
photo by Val Bugh
Bombycilla cedrorum (cedar waxwing)
photo by Harriett Wolf