Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Bubo virginianus (great horned owl nestlings)
photo by Dvori Bird

Vanessa atalanta (red admiral)
photo by Dan Zinn

Megisto cymela (little wood-satyr)
photo by Val Bugh

Nathalis iole (dainty sulphur)
photo by Val Bugh

Ogdoconta cinereola (common pinkband)
photo by Barbara Ribble

Mompha eloisella (red-streaked mompha moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Hyalophora cecropia (Cecropia moth larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Papilio multicaudata (two-tailed swallowtail larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Melalgus plicatus (powder-post beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Aphis nerii (oleander aphids giving birth)
photo by Val Bugh

Podisus maculiventris & Chlorochroa ligata
(predatory stink bug & conchuela eggs)
photo by Val Bugh

Hypselonotus punctiventris (coreid bug nymph)
photo by Dvori Bird

Charmon sp. (braconid wasp)
photo by Barbara Ribble

Isodontia sp. (grass-carrying wasp)
photo by Val Bugh

Bombus pensylvanicus (American bumble bee queen)
photo by Val Bugh

Apis mellifera (honey bee)
photo by Dvori Bird

Copestylum marginatum (flower fly)
photo by Barbara Ribble

Neacreotrichus sp. (bee fly)
photo by Dvori Bird

Pogonognathellus sp. (slender springtail)
photo by Dvori Bird

Sceloporus olivaceus (Texas spiny lizard)
photo by Barbara Ribble