Select Photos and Complete List of Sightings:

Archilochus alexandri (black-chinned hummingbird)
photo by Harriett Wolf

Nemognatha sp. (blister beetle)
photo by Val Bugh

Archips semiferana (oak leafroller moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Aristotelia roseosuffusella (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Hypena minualis (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Zale edusina (moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Archirhoe neomexicana (moth)
photo by Dan Zinn

Prochoerodes lineola (large maple spanworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Nematocampa resistaria (horned spanworm moth)
photo by Val Bugh

Danaus plexippus (monarch)
photo by Dan Zinn

Colias eurytheme (orange sulphur)
photo by Barbara Ribble

Eurema nicippe (sleepy orange pupa)
photo by Val Bugh

Papilio multicaudata (two-tailed swallowtail larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Anaea aidea (tropical leafwing larva in retreat)
photo by Val Bugh

Vanessa cardui (painted lady larva in webbing)
photo by Val Bugh

Unknown sp. (moth larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Arilis cristatus (wheel bug nymph eating common buckeye larva)
photo by Val Bugh

Megachile sp. (leafcutter bee)
photo by Val Bugh

Delphinia picta (picture-winged fly)
photo by Val Bugh

Scleropogon sp. (robber fly)
photo by Val Bugh