- Each four weeks, for instance (though the regular interval could vary, for example every week or every quarter), put a new buy order in at the close of trading on Monday (or the first day of trading that week, if the exchanges are closed for a Monday holiday). Invest in a single value + momentum stock not already held that statistically stands a better than even chance of going up and meets the guidelines of a good value and price performance stock screen.
- Sell stocks after held five weeks, if they are then up 20% or more, or when they no longer qualify under the buy criteria, replacing them with new stocks (not in the portfolio) that meet the buy criteria. If during the hold period a stock goes down 10% or more, yet still meets the guidelines per #1, buy more shares. Then the new sell price target will be 20% above one's average cost basis. To avoid wash sale rule violations, use a tax-deferred account for these trades, or do not purchase the same stock within 5 weeks of previously selling it when there had been a loss before.
- Invest a fixed amount each four weeks (or week, quarter, etc.). If one's available funds and income allow for setting aside, say, $5000 every four weeks to invest in stocks, that could be the approximate dollar amount used for each of the strategy purchases.
- For most of our value plus momentum investing, I use the Motley Fool CAPS screener and these selection guidelines from among its variables:
a. CAPS ratings 4 or 5;
b. All-Star outperform picks 25 or above;
c. 52-week price change 100% or above;
d. EPS Growth Rate in the last 3 years 37.5% or above;
e. Revenue Growth Rate in the last 3 years 37.5% or above.
(If sometimes every stock meeting these standards is already held, has been sold within the past 5 weeks, or otherwise was redeemed in a way or an account that contraindicates a new purchase at this time, then no additional investment occurs yet for the current portfolio rebalancing.)
- Assuming this approach is as profitable for you as it has been for us, just repeat indefinitely.
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