Variations on this theme for BRK have now included buying not merely stock shares but entire companies worth billions in earnings a year, recently, for instance, BNSF, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.
Even so, the sky is no longer the limit for Berkshire Hathaway. Yes, it is almost certain to keep growing, in the process absorbing more and more exceptionally lucrative companies, but BRK's average rate of growth cannot keep pace with its own stellar record of almost 20% a year. If it did, it would need eventually to swallow up the whole solar system, comets, planets, asteroids, the entire sun, the billions of icy planetoids in the oort cloud, all of it, then move on until, like a vast black hole, it would next consume the whole of the Milky Way galaxy. Instead, Berkshire Hathaway will likely keep doing well, probably very well, besting the average returns of the S&P 500 Index, but at a slowing pace of superior advance.
A summary of successful principles suggested by these investment geniuses follows:
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