- Pay yourself instead. Consider how much you would have to shell out for vacuuming, maintenance chores, cutting and edging the lawn, etc., and the job might even be done as well by the professionals. So when you do a task rather than hiring it done, pay into a jar for money saved! The accumulated cash can pay for treats for yourself, like a yearned for vacation or else can feather your nest (egg) in longer-term ways.
- Like it or not in the abstract, SNAP (the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, formerly known as Food Stamps) can provide a boon to individuals who have limited financial resources. Yet 2/3 of eligible individuals do not sign up. Failing to do so if you qualify often hurts two ways, in the pocketbook and in one's overall health. Thanks to a non-profit, Wholesome Wave, people can supplement SNAP benefits further through teaming up with local farmers' markets. It might be worth checking into.
- Look into free or low-cost online college programs, many provided by reputable universities such as MIT, Open University, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford, and many more. Options might be checked at Education Insider, Coursera, Udacity, and EdX.
- Next time shopping for chicken eggs, note that white shell ones have the same taste and nutrition as the more expensive brown ones.
- Consider the many uses of vinegar at Vinegar Tips. During my recent vacation on CO, for example, I found it very helpful as a first aid treatment for mild sunburn.
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