Frisky's Economical Cleaning And Laundry / Home Page / Frisky's Section

Frisky's Economical Cleaning And Laundry

Background Information on Frisky's Only Entrepreneurial Venture
Frisky has always been a "stay at home dog" but some years ago she did make an attempt to add to the family finances in a positive way. Having limited marketable skills (since she's not human), she used her ingenuity and came up with the idea of a canine cleaning service. The complete, full color informative brochure is presented here, but F.E.C.A.L. lasted only a short time, as, like most such start-up small business ventures, it lacked sufficient capital and was washed up in a matter of months. It could have been poor marketing, bad location, unrealistic pricing, or just the fact that most people don't want a dog messing around with their clothes. Frisky has since spent her days in blissful retirement, pursuing, with the zeal that only an over-energetic mutt can muster, various avocations and hobbies, including squirrel chasing, sniffing and licking, napping, sunbathing, and playing.

The link below will take you to the complete advertisement for Frisky's short-lived endeavor.


Frisky's Economical Cleaning And Laundry / Home Page / Frisky's Section