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LARVALBUG LENS, January, 2004

This month we feature a photo taken on Mother's Day, 1953, in the backyard of Valerie's paternal grandparents' house in Joliet, Illinois. Pictured, from left to right, are: Josephine (also known as Ma, Val's paternal grandmother); her daughter-in-law, Marie (married to Hank, Josephine's son); her daughters Helen and Marian; and future daughter-in-law, Evelyn (Val's mother). Long skirts were in vogue at the time. The car at the left is a '41 Chevrolet owned by Val's dad, John. The car on the far right, parked back near the white garage, is a Buick Special, bought by Val's grandfather, Anthony, when it was new in 1940 for $800. This car was the first to have directional signals on the back. (Thanks go to Evelyn and John for the photo and information.)