Mike and Dan examining the contents of a beat sheet.
David Wagner along the Barton Creek greenbelt.
Thin-lined Owlet (Noctuidae: Isogona tenuis) and its host twigs
Eight-spotted Forester (Noctuidae: Alypia octomaculata)
Spotted Phosphila (Noctuidae: Phosphila miselioides)
Double-toothed Prominent (Notodontidae: Nerice bidentata)
Inchworm on Yaupon (Geometridae: Episemasia solitaria)
Juniper Hairstreak (Lycaenidae: Callophrys gryneus)
Silver-spotted Skipper (Hesperiidae: Epargyreus clarus)
Ruddy Dagger Moth (Noctuidae: Acronicta rubricoma)
Tiger Moth (Arctiidae: Grammia sp.)
Greater Oak Dagger Moth (Noctuidae: Acronicta lobeliae)
Double-lined Prominent (Notodontidae: Lochmaeus bilineata)
Unicorn Caterpillar (Notodontidae: Schizura unicornis)
Lettered Sphinx (Sphingidae: Deidamia inscripta)
Squash Vine Borer Moth (Sesiidae: Melittia sp.)
Leafroller (Tortricidae: Sparganothis sp.)
Pipevine flower (Aristolochiaceae: Aristolochia serpentaria)
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